School Work
IT-250 Advanced Web Design
Developed a secure system with a live website for gym membership purchases and members' pages. Integrated a QR-Code system for physical gym access as part of the Senior Seminar Final Course Project (Apr 2022 – Aug 2022).

IT-295 System Analysis & Design
Co-led a team to design and implement a transaction processing system for a Caribbean supermarket chain. Created project management deliverables using Microsoft Project, including a work breakdown structure and Gantt chart.

IT-320 Operating Systems
Built a car rental website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. Used JavaScript to automatically generate HTML tables with car images and PHP for form submissions via email.

IT-280 – Object Oriented Programming
Used Python and Object-Oriented Programming techniques to create a calculator capable of performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Designed a Calculator class and implemented mathematical operations via Python functions.

Thesis: Performance Comparison
Conducted a performance comparison of CRUD operations between ASP.NET MVC and Laravel in a virtualized environment using Proxmox 8.2.2. Tested under identical conditions with IIS on Windows Server 2019 and Apache on Ubuntu.